What is the definition of analgesia? - ANS-The absence of pain - through the use of
drugs or other modes of therapy.
Why is a preemptive use of analgesics recommended? - ANS-Windup - chemical
release of endorphins as an involuntary response to pain.
Ketamine is a good choice in cats, for treatment of pain caused by spaying. - ANS-False
Abrupt onset of pain, usually short duration. - ANS-Acute pain
Felt in a body part other than that in which the cause is situated. - ANS-Referred pain
Skin, SQ tissue, muscle, bone and joints are primarily transmitted by both A and C
fibers. - ANS-Somatic Pain
Internal organs - primarily transmitted by C fibers only. - ANS-Visceral pain
Slow onset of pain, with much longer duration. - ANS-Chronic pain
Dull, aching or throbbing that cannot be localized to an exact location. - ANS-C fibers
Pain source can be localized to an exact site. - ANS-A fibers
The goal of an anesthetist - provide adequate analgesia and sedation to allow the
animal to move, eat and sleep without undue discomfort - particularly in the first
__________ hours. - ANS-12 hours
Drug good for somatic pain, but not for visceral pain. - ANS-Aspirin
What type of drug reduces fever. - ANS-Antipyretic
Drug that is good for both somatic and visceral pain. - ANS-Ketoprofen
Drug that is absorbed through the skin. - ANS-Fentanyl
Drug not recommended in small animals. - ANS-Acetaminophen
Of the two types of drugs, NSAIDS and Opioids, which has the greater number of
adverse side effects? - ANS-NSAIDS - Tylenol toxicity in cats, GI Distress, Renal
Toxicity, Impaired platelet aggregation = prolonged bleeding time.
What does NSAID stand for? - ANS-Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug
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