Anesthesia Clerkship Exam 2025/2026
Signs of mast cell degranulation and/or a histamine mediated reaction (signs of a true
allergic rxn) - ANS-Hypotension, hives, bronchospasm, flushing, rash
Signs of elevated serum levels of local anesthetic - ANS-Dizziness, seizures,
dysrhythmias, tinnitus
If a true local anesthetic allergy does exist, it is most likely to an _____ based local
anesthetic rather than an ____ based one. - ANS-ester; amide
Continue or d/c on day of surgery: H2 blockers - ANS-Continue
Continue or d/c on day of surgery: birth control pills - ANS-Continue
Continue or d/c on day of surgery: insulin - ANS-d/c because pt will be NPO
(hypoglycemic anyway)
Continue or d/c on day of surgery: beta-blockers - ANS-Continue
Continue or d/c on day of surgery: aspirin - ANS-d/c 2 weeks prior to surgery -
antiplatelet effects hang around
Continue or d/c on day of surgery: multivitamins - ANS-d/c
Continue or d/c on day of surgery: diuretics - ANS-d/c, unless used for hypertension
Continue or d/c on day of surgery: antiseizure drugs - ANS-Continue
Continue or d/c on day of surgery: antibiotics - ANS-Continue
Continue or d/c on day of surgery: particulate antacids - ANS-D/C! Can produce
aspiration pneumonitis if aspirated!
Continue or d/c on day of surgery: ACEs/ARBs - ANS-Debatable - patients who d/c may
have refractory hypotension during general anesthetic
Nausea and vomiting are more common in ___ patients. - ANS-Obese pts, females, and
after abdominal/ENT/ophtho surgery
__ are less likely to experience N/V - ANS-Smokers
Prolonged emergence from anesthesia could suggest a deficiency in the metabolic
pathway of __ - ANS-Succinylcholine. Atypical cholinesterase will alter the metabolism
of drugs metabolized by serum cholinesterase such as SUCCINYLCHOLINE.
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