What is separates the arm into the anterior and posterior components? - Correct Ans-The intermuscular
septum (medial and lateral).
What nerve innervates the muscles of the posterior arm? - Correct Ans-Radial Nerve.
What nerve innervates the muscles of the anterior arm? - Correct Ans-Musculocutaneous Nerve.
Which main terminal branches have no innervation in the arm, but pass through to innervate the
forearm? - Correct Ans-Median Nerve and Ulnar Nerve
What is the vein that arises on the dorsoradial surface of the hand and courses proximally along the
radial surface of the forearm? - Correct Ans-Cephalic Vein.
What is the vein that arises on the ulnar side of the hand, courses up the medial aspect of the forearm,
and in the arm, pierces the brachial fascia at the junction between the middle and lower thirds of the
arm? - Correct Ans-Basillic Vein
What is the lateral condyle on the distal humerus called? - Correct Ans-Capitulum.
What is the medial condyle on the distal humerus called? - Correct Ans-Trochlea.
What exists right below the deltoid tuberosity on the humerus? - Correct Ans-Spiral (or radial) groove.
What ligament holds the head of the radius close to the ulna? - Correct Ans-Annular Ligament.
In pronation, the distal radius is rolled ___ the distal ulna. - Correct Ans-Over.
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