AMMO 108 Handler Exam Questions & Answers latest solution 2025/2026
--- checks all landfill items before putting them in the dumpster
--- open all cans, boxes, and container, and remove both cap ends on fiber, and plastic container
--- removes or obliterate explosive labels and markings - What tasks does the Ammunition Handler do to
process a unit 's residue turn-in?
--- Ensures items requested match item numbers on DA Form 3151-R
--- Loads and secures the ammunition
--- Placards the vehicle - Which of the following tasks does the unit personnel perform when receiving
Identifies who is authorized to receive the ammunition issue - What is DA Form 1687 used for?
The Surveillance Personnel - Who is responsible for reviewing the ammunition restriction and
suspension lists?
Ammunition requirement are listed on DA Form 581 - How does the Stock Control Specialist know what
ammunition items the unit require for the training exercise?
First in, first out - Which stock selection criterion, does the Stock Control Specialist use when older items
are rotated out before the newer items?
Unit Personnel/Ammunition Handler - Who is responsible for ensuring that the unit enters the correct
TEC on DA Form 581?
--- Cargo space
--- Coupling device
--- Front and rear seat
--- Front and rear windshield
--- Tarpaulin and tie-down straps - What items would the vehicle inspector check at the ASP?
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