American Red Cross BLS/CPR Certification Lesson 1: Foundational Concepts Questions & Answers 2025/2026
critical thinking - thinking clearly & rationally to identify the connection between information & actions
problem solving - the ability to use readily available resources to find solutions to challenging situations
or issues that arise
communication - includes verbal messages & nonverbal messages conveyed through body language
What are the four essential components of communication? - sender, message, receiver, & feedback
closed-loop communication - a communication technique used to prevent misunderstandings
teamwork - the actions of a group of people with well defined roles & responsibilities making a
coordinated effort to achieve a common goal
team leader - oversees the entire emergency situation & ensures that everyone works as a team to help
promote the best possible outcome for the patient
team member - provides care with skill & expertise
crew resource management - emphasizes the use of all available resources to promote effective &
efficient teamwork & reduce the likelihood of human error
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