NPO The government agency responsible for regulating the safety and health of workers - Answer- >Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)">
AMCA Phlebotomy Certification Prep Newest Review Update 2025/2026
When a phlebotomist observes actions or suspects child abuse, what should be the next step to take? -
Answer->advise supervisor privately
The principle reason for requiring feedback when communicating with patients is to determine weather
they ______________. - Answer->have understood what is being said
Implied consent for a venipuncture on an adult requires _____________. - Answer->the patient extends
their arm to you
How should the phlebotomist dispose of a needle after drawing blood from a patient? - Answer->close
safety and dispose in a puncture resistant container (sharps container)
The hospital department that is responsible for sterile supplies - Answer->Central Supply
The reason a test if ordered timed is to ______________. - Answer->Draw it at the best time for
accurate results
The patient's specimen is lipemic, this is usually an indicator that the patient ___________. - Answer-
>Has not fasted
Abbreviation for "nothing by mouth" - Answer->NPO
The government agency responsible for regulating the safety and health of workers - Answer-
>Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
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