Aepa early childhood education (36) 2025-2026 (A+)
Piaget - ANS-Constructivist perspective of learning in explaining how children build or
construct knowledge of their world children construct knowledge through interactions
with others and through their experience using thought process of assimilation and
Assimilation - ANS-What are the processes that children used to construct knowledge
they take new information into existing cognitive structure of score schema
Accommodation - ANS-The process children used to construct knowledge refers to how
children can or will change existing understanding to adopt new knowledge and revise
extend or expand their concepts Jones
Piaget's stages of cognitive development - ANS-Sensorimotor preoperational concrete
operational formal operations
Sensorimotor - ANS-First two years centers on own body game information through
motor activity in the senses makes mobile move by swatting at it
Preoperational - ANS-2 to 7 years old use a symbol of words painting joint movements
to represent experience and images in their mind draws a picture of the flower in the
garden at home for you see you a tall glass of water having more water than the shorter
Concrete operational - ANS-7 to 11 years old no longer tricked by appearances think
more logically but are limited to thinking about concrete objects the glasses of water the
older children would say all you did was pour the same water in the tall glass
Formal operations - ANS-11 years through the rest of the life applies to logic to abstract
ideas solve problems efficiently can identify probable causes for a for a computer that
freezes up or car that does not start
Vygotsky - ANS-Early childhood educators have used major ideas in his constructed it
is sis theory to develop curriculum and instructional practice these ideas include the rule
of social interaction and caulking development and children's learning and the role of
language and children's development and learning
Vygotsky - ANS-Social interaction is important and children's learning zone of proximal
development scaffolding teacher child dialogues
Social interaction is important in children's learning - ANS-Stress the importance of
social role of social interaction children's learning learning he will lead to curd first
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