Advanced Pharmacology NSG 533/ NSG 533 advanced pharmacology 2025/2026
EP is a 38-year-old female patient that comes in for diabetes education and
management. She was diagnosed 12 years ago and states lately she is not able to
control her diet although she continues a 1600 calorie diet with appropriate
daily carbohydrate intake (per dietitian prescription) and walks 40 minutes
every day of the week. She states compliance with all medications. She denies
any history of hypoglycemia despite being able to identify signs and symptoms
and describe appropriate treatment strategies.
PMH: T2DM, HTN, obesity, depression, s/p thyroidectomy due to thyroid
FmHx: Noncontributory
SHx: (−) Smoking, alcohol use, past marijuana use while in high school
Medications: Metformin 850 mg tid, glipizide 20 mg bid, lisinopril 20 mg daily,
sertraline 100 mg daily, multivitamin daily
Vitals: BP 128/82 mg Hg; P 72 beats/min; BMI 31 m/kg2
Laboratory test results: Na 134 mEq/L, K 5.4 mEq/L, Cl 106 mEq/L, BUN -
ANSWER Exenatide - Exenatide (Bydureon) once weekly has been able to
demonstrate weight loss and decrease A1C% by 0.7% to 1.2% in clinical trials;
however it is contraindicated for EP due to the self-reported history of thyroid
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