Adult Health Nursing: Chapter 7: Care of the Patient With a Blood or Lymphatic Disorder (A and P)
Anemia - ANS-Blood disorder characterized by red blood cell, hemoglobin, and
hematocrit levels below normal range
Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (DIC) - ANS-Acquired hemorrhage syndrome
of clotting, cascade overstimulation, and anti clotting processes.
Erythrocytosis - ANS-Abnormal increase in the number of circulating red blood cells
Erythropoiesis - ANS-The process of red blood cell production
Hemarthrosis - ANS-Bleeding into a joint space, a hallmark of severe disease usually
occurring in the knees, ankles, and elbow.
Hemophilia - ANS-Hereditary coagulation disorder; caused by a lack of antihemophilic
factor VIII, which is needed to convert prothrombin to thrombin through thromboplastin
Heterozygous - ANS-Having two different genes
Idiopathic - ANS-Cause unknown
Leukemia - ANS-Malignant disorder of the hematopoietic system in which an excess of
leukocytes accumulates in the bone marrow and lymph nodes
Leukopenia - ANS-An abnormal decrease in the number of white blood cells to fewer
than 5000 cell/mm^3 due to depression of the bone marrow
Lymphangitis - ANS-Inflammation of one or more lymphatic vessels or channels; usually
results from an acute streptococcal or staphylococcal infection in an extremity
Lymphedema - ANS-Primary or secondary disorder characterized by the accumulation
of lymph in soft tissue and edema
Multiple Myeloma - ANS-A malignant neoplastic immunodeficiency disease of the bone
marrow; the tumor is composed of plasma cells.
Pancytopenia - ANS-Deficient condition of all three major blood elements (red cells,
white cells, and platelets); results from the bone marrow being reduced or absent
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