adolescence - ANSWER-the stage of development that begins with puberty and ends when individuals
make the transition into adult roles, roughly speaking, from about 10 until the early 20s
Early: 10-13 years old
Middle: 14-17 years old
Late: 18-21 years old
Discuss the fundamental changes that happen in adolescence - ANSWER-Social: changes in rights and
responsibilities and some cultures have formal ceremonies
Cognitive: the processes that underlie how people think; adolescents are much better able to think
about hypothetical situations
Biological: collectively referred to as puberty (the biological changes of adolescence)
Psychosocial Development in Adolescence - ANSWER-psychosocial: referring to aspects of development
that are both psychological and social in nature, such as developing a sense of identity or sexuality
- identity: involves self-conceptions, self-esteem, and the sense of who one is
- autonomy: the development and expression of independence
- intimacy: concerns the formation, maintenance, and termination of close relationships
- sexuality: concerns the development and expression of sexual feelings
- achievement: concerns behaviors and feelings in evaluative situtations
Theoretical Perspectives on Adolescence - ANSWER-Biosocial: emphasize the biological changes of the
period; Hall's Theory (adolescence is raging hormones) and Dual Systems (emphasizes changes in brain
activity and anatomy)
Organismic: emphasize the interaction between the biological changes of the period and the contexts in
which they take place; Freudian Theory (psychosexual conflict), Eriksonian Theory (stressed
psychosocial), Piagetian Theory (believed that children pass through distinct stages of development as
they mature)
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