Q & S
1. Question 1: A patient undergoes a laparoscopic
cholecystectomy. What is the correct ICD-10-PCS code?
- A) 0FT44ZZ
- B) 0FB44ZZ
- C) 0FHG4ZZ
- D) 0FT90ZZ
Answer: A) 0FT44ZZ
Rationale: This code represents a laparoscopic
removal (resection) of the gallbladder (cholecystectomy) via
a percutaneous endoscopic approach.
2. Question 2: A surgeon performs a left knee joint
replacement using a synthetic substitute. What ICD-10-PCS
code is correct?
- A) 0SRR0JZ
- B) 0SRR4JZ
- C) 0SRR0J9
- D) 0SRR4J9
Answer: B) 0SRR4JZ
Rationale: The code refers to the replacement of the
left knee joint with a synthetic substitute using an open
3. Question 3: During a coronary artery bypass surgery, a
single coronary artery is bypassed using the left internal
mammary artery. What is the correct ICD-10-PCS code?
- A) 02100Z9
- B) 02100Z8
- C) 021209W
- D) 021109W
Answer: D) 021109W
Rationale: This code specifies a single coronary artery
bypass using the left internal mammary artery as the
bypass conduit.
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