2025/2026 WAPS (SSgt - TSgt) (A compilation of the PDG Advisor app)
When did Islamic extremist Al Qaeda terrorists attack by hijacking four airliners flying in the United
States airspace? - ANS-September 11, 2001
Terrorism struck home September 11, 2001 in a planned attack by Islamic extremists. How many
airliners did Al Qaeda terrorists hijack? - ANS-Four
How many people were injured and killed when Al Qaeda terrorists hijacked four airliners? - ANS-6,000
people injured
2,996 people killed
(Including the 19 hijackers)
On September 11 2001, how many Al Qaeda terrorists were involved in the hijacking of four airlines
flying in the United States airspace? - ANS-19
On September 11 2001, Al Qaeda terrorists hijacked four airliners flying in the United States airspace.
What happened to these four airliners? - ANS-2 aircraft were flown into the towers of the World Trade
1 aircraft was flown into the Pentagon
1 aircraft landed in a remote field in Pennsylvania
In response to the terrorist attacks on U.S soil, which president declared a global war on terrorism? -
ANS-President George W. Bush
Which two airlines crashed into the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001? - ANS-American
Airlines flight 11 crashed at 0846 into the World Trade Center, North Tower
United Airlines flight 175 crashed at 0903 into the World Trade Center, South Tower
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