2024 HESI RN Maternity and Pediatrics Exam Guaranteed A+ Actual Questions and Answers, Complete 100% (Complete And Verified Study material) (42pages) LEARNEXAMS
1. How is EDD calculated using Nagele's rule?: Answer: 1. Determine the first day of the LMP 2. Subtract 3 months 3. Add 7 days 4. Adjust the year 2. What is gravidity?: Answer: the number of pregnancies including current pregnancy. includes miscarriages, ectopic pregnancies, stillbirths. 3. What is parity?: Answer: number of births in which the fetus is carried past 20 weeks gestation(not number of fetuses [e.g., twins] 4. GTPAL: Answer: Gravida, Term, Preterm, Abortions, Living 5. What are presumptive signs of pregnancy?:
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